
After creating AVS, the team produced two other podcast series: Phoenix Stories (12 episodes in English) and Heart to Hearth (15 episodes in Arabic). The former focuses on inspiring stories of sustainability in post-conflict situations, told by managers of humanitarian organisations, while the latter features extraordinary stories of resilience told by Syrian women who endured hardship and displacement.

Agricultural Voices Syria has three main outputs: the podcasts the videos, five case studies and the results of two farmer surveys in Northwest Syria. You can access all of them on our website.


The series is comprised of 15 episodes. Each episode features a different agricultural expert and covers a theme or topic relating to their area of expertise. On the AVS website, you can listen to the podcast episodes in Arabic, or read their English transcripts.


AVS Videos has started with a collection of 15 videos. The content revolved around sustainable agricultural methods found in NW Syrian farming practices, in discussion with local farmers and agricultural experts. The videos were all produced in Arabic and can be found on the SAE YouTube Channel.

Case Studies

Dr Izabela Delabre and Dr Mirela Barbu have prepared 5 case studies for the project. The topics include agricultural resource use; producer organisations; food standards; by-products and waste, and international institutions and trade regulations.


In the first survey of its kind in a conflict zone, in May and June of 2021, the AVS team of 15 local promoters on the ground surveyed approximately 1,000 farmers and related people in the agricultural region of Northwestern Syria (which included Aleppo and Idleb cities and surrounds).


Newsletters are produced by AVS and are specific to any updates in relation to AVS or its surrounding projects. It was created with the intention of keeping stakeholders and interested parties up-to-date on current activities and work by AVS and its affiliates. All newsletters are produced in English and Arabic and can be subscribed to here.


In July 2022, after 18 months of working remotely, the teams from the UK and Turkey finally met. The workshop organised in Gaziantep aimed to promote AVS and explore how innovative social media can become a tool to promote agricultural sustainability in Northwest Syria and beyond.