The team at the University of Sussex released the podcast series Phoenix Stories, funded by the USBS Engagement Fund, and the series Heart to Hearth, produced in collaboration with SAE and supported by an IDCF grant.
Latest Updates
AVS feature in the Sussex Sustainability Research Programme
SSRP Spotlight Series: Sustainable Agriculture in Post-Conflict Zones. The SSRP have featured an article on our research in their blog. Click here to read the full article.
AVS workshop during the SSRP week – 11 November 2022
The Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP) is launching a second phase with the aim of scaling up research in pressing sustainability issues, and to become a leading institution in providing science in order to achieve the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a just and equitable way. To celebrate this new phase, the… Continue reading AVS workshop during the SSRP week – 11 November 2022
AVS hosts workshop in Gazientep, Turkey with successful results
AVS won the University of Sussex ‘Research with Impact’ Award 2022 for ongoing impact through interdisciplinary research. The award enabled the team to organise an AVS stakeholder workshop in Turkey, and to explore the possible opening of a Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP) ‘Sustainability Observatory’ in Gaziantep in order to collect relevant data from Northwest Syria.
AVS wins the University of Sussex Research with Impact Award for interdisciplinary collaboration
On 7 June, the University of Sussex hosted a major event dedicated to building and celebrating the real-world impact of Sussex research. Detailed information about the Research with Impact Day 2022 can be found here and the photo gallery is available here.
AVS wins Interdisciplinary Research Award by Emerald Publishing
The University of Sussex has recognized Agricultural Voices Syria for winning the 2021 Interdisciplinary Research Award by Emerald Publishing. Our podcast project aimed to provide a positive impact to Northwest Syrian farmers, as a part of the University of Sussex’s Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP). We are committed to impacting the agricultural communities in the… Continue reading AVS wins Interdisciplinary Research Award by Emerald Publishing
AVS presented at Cara Symposium
Agricultural Voices of Syria will be presented at Cara Symposium on December 10th, session 1, 10.00-11.30 (GMT). The session explores MUTUAL BENEFITS OF HIGHER EDUCATION COLLABORATION and is chaired by Emeritus Prof. Michael Worton, UCL. Recordings and other materials can be accessed on theSymposium virtual platform. Cara is a UK-registered charity that was founded by Sir William… Continue reading AVS presented at Cara Symposium
Dissemination Workshop
AVS is a unique experiment in conflict-zone podcasting, designed to impact food security and livelihoods in Syria by facilitating knowledge transfer on agricultural innovation, practices and technologies from Syrian agricultural experts in Syria and in exile to farmers in Northwest Syria. The first 15 podcast episodes were produced and disseminated to more than 1000 farmers,… Continue reading Dissemination Workshop
Launch of AVS
The Launch of Agricultural Voices was a successful and well-attended event. If you were unable to attend the event, you can watch a recording of our presentations here.
Press Release
Here, you can find the press release for Agricultural Voices Syria in both English and Arabic.